Is Your Business Card A Wimp

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One of the most important measurements of advertising is something
called impressions. Simply put, it means how many times the ad was

For the small business owner the one promotional tool that often
receives the most impressions is the lowly business card.

Now, I know you might not think about the business card as an
advertising vehicle but it can and should carry a great load if you
allow it to.

Look way beyond your business card as a tool to communicate your
name and other facts.

Use it to carry a very strong message about what you do. (I teach
coaches how to triple what they charge, I show homeowners how to
save thousands on their taxes)

Use it deliver a special offer. (Present this card with your next purchase
and get 10% off, This card is good for a three month trial subscription)

Use it to gather referrals. (Know anyone else who needs to save money
on their legal bills?.)

Use it as a referral tool. (Give this card to a friend and receive $10 when
they become a client.) You can find more great referral tips at Referral

Send many messages. Tell your story. Sell your products. Offer a white
paper or ezine subscription. Tell them you available to speak at events.

There are so many ways to use that little space at networking events
and in selling situations.

A couple of final tips:
Whenever someone asks for your phone number or email, give them a
business card.

When someone asks for a card, give them 2 or 3.

Make sure your card is printed on substantial weight paper (100# cover)
Think of it like a handshake

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